2 mars 2017

Guidelines by sketcher

A very important skill, is how to use the Sketcher. By a great number of features you need to
define one or more sketches to define the outlook of these features. It is therefore of great importance that you are working with correct  guidelines and methods. Here is a list of the most important:

1) Fix position

The sketch itself shall be positioned regarding defined references with the option Positioned. Sliding shall not be used, since the sketch can unintentionally be moved from a modification without the user notice it.

2) Uncomplicated Geometry

Do not define a geometry with numerous ( more than ten ) elements (lines, arcs, curves...) but keep it simple. If your part is complicated divide the contour/section geometry into many sketches. Especially the first sketch should be simple and stable, due to the difficulties replacing it.

3) Fully Constrained

Use dimensions and geometrical constraints to unambiguous define the geometry. All the geometry elements shall be green. This is again to avoid any unattended modifications.

4) Without Fillets and Chamfers

Create the section/contour without any fillets/rounds or  chamfers. They would would make the sketch more complicated and therefore also less predictable  and  less stable.

5 ) Use Skeletons

If a complicated section/contour is to be defined it is certainly not a bad idea using a skeleton. The skeleton can be placed in its own sketch and be designed with untrimmed elements.

6) Exaggerate

Draw small elements bigger than they actually are. They will then be easier to dimension. Exaggerate also the angles to avoid making the program to assume the elements to be horizontal and vertical

If you want to practice and read more about correct sketches, you will find lessons and exercises in the branch sketcher


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